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Самые короткие 
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Рассылка 'Лучшие анекдоты и афоризмы от IPages'
Effective 01 January 1996, updates will be handled by Mats Öhrman at sfrg@lysator.liu.se.
Literature on the Web
Literature on the Web
The Online Literature Library has a collection of electronic texts of English and American classics.
Project Gutenberg Home Page
Book Lovers: Fine Books and Literature page.
IPL The Internet Public Library
The On-line Books Page at Carnegie Mellon University. An extensive link collection and search engine.
A literature collection at Sergei Naumov's Dazhdbog's Grandchildren page.
Russian Literature at Friends and Partners provides a collection of poems by Anna Akhmatova, Sasha Chernyi and much more.
Russian Literature collection at
Melbourne Russian Community page

     Kharkov ftp site has some books in russian. All of them are ALT coding. Slow link. Most of the books are present in
Alex Farber's collection.

     Book collection at FUNET

     Daniil Kharms - a collection at Egor Alexeev's page.
Russian text corpora ftp site, by George Fowler. contains mostly books by Strugatzkie, but there are some others too.
Library and
Russian Magazines at Agama. There you can find some articles and literature from russian periodicals "Novyi Mir", "Znamya", "Ural", "Oktyabr'" and several others. (KOI8)
A collection of various electronic texts
The Human Languages Page contains some more links to
text and books archives, including European literature.

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Editors' Choice http://www.etext.org/Zines/InterText/choice.html
This section is designed for InterText's editors to pick their favorite stories out of all the stories we've published over the years.
Since we realize our readers don't have unlimited time, and may not have the chance to roam through every issue, this is our way of giving readers of InterText on the Web a chance to hit the highlights. Vol. 1 (1991) | Vol. 2 (1992) | Vol. 3 (1993) | Vol. 4 (1994) | Vol. 5 (1995)
Best of 1995 (Volume 5)
"Bludemagick" by Jacqueline Carey (July-August 1995) Faith and belief are things we learn -- no matter how tightly we shut our eyes, reality always shimmers at the edge of our vision.
"Genetic Moonshine" by Jim Cowan (May-June 1995) Watson and Crick are separated from Thelonious Monk and Charlie Parker by an ocean of water and a gulf of culture. Or are they?
"Ghostdancer" by Ridley McIntyre (September-October 1995) In a world where a killer clown is the biggest TV star, those who walk the Earth might be less alive than beings who exist only in the depths of cyberspace.
"Handlers" by Ceri Jordan (November-December 1995) "If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you. This is the principal difference between a dog and a man." -- Mark Twain
"River" by G.L. Eikenberry (January-February 1995) "So deep, so wide -- will you take me on your back for a ride? If I should fall, would you swallow me deep inside?" --Peter Gabriel, "Washing of the Water"
"Shipping and Handling Extra" by Laurence Simon (May-June 1995) Maybe it's a good thing that we usually draw a firm line between our professional and personal lives; after all, a man's home is his castle.
"Two Solitudes" by Carl Steadman (January-February 1995) The Net can be a fast and direct way to communicate. But it's still only a connection between separate points and separate realities: it doesn't make two things the same.
Best of 1994 (Volume 4)
"Bleeding Hearts" by Sung J. Woo (January-February 1994) Good friends support each other in times of need. But as you're comforting your friends, ask yourself: how well do you really know them? "Fallen Star, Live-In God" by Rachel R. Walker (September-October 1994) People are attracted to the famous. But that attraction works both ways--and not always for the best. "The Gardener" by Jim Cowan (September-October 1994) In the tradition of Cardinal Bellarmine and Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, here is a tale of a priest caught between doctrine and his relentless pursuit of truth. "Home" by Ellen Brenner (January-February 1994) Especially in a small town, people who are at all unusual draw attention whether they like it or not. And someone who is incredibly different... "The Loneliness of the Late-Night Donut Shop" by G.L. Eikenberry (July-August 1994) As the Chinese proverb says, be careful about what you wish for -- you may get it. "Mr. McKenna is Dying" by Marcus Eubanks (July-August 1994) The slice of time that is one person's ordinary day can just as easily contain the momentous or the tragic. "Sometimes a Man" by Steve Conger (September-October 1994) Getting close to the natural world is a goal every weekend camper can understand. But there's a big difference between viewing nature from the outside and seeing it from within.
Best of 1993 (Volume 3)
"Epicenter" by Jon Seaman (May-June 1994) Sometimes life is a force of habit: eat this, do that, go there. And sometimes experiences let us see our habits for what they are. But larger experiences can do the same thing... "Fructus in Eden" by Bob Devereaux (March-April 1993) In this story, you already know the characters, the setting, and the way things turn out in the end. But this might be a case where history was re-written by the victors... "It's All Things Considered" by Rod Kessler (July-August 1994) Susan Stamberg was the first woman to anchor a national news broadcast, NPR's All Things Considered. While her new book Talk details twenty years of her work, we bet you won't find this episode in there... "Nails of Rust" by Ridley McIntyre (July-August 1994) After we fail at something, it's usually our first instinct to try and redeem ourselves. For that redemption, we look to our loved ones first. Perhaps, instead, we should look inside ourselves -- no matter what the dangers. "Newtopia" by Aaron Lyon (November-December 1994) The dirty, dystopian future of cyberpunk writers is quite popular now. But if the future ends up looking more like Leave it to Beaver than Neuromancer, should we consider ourselves lucky or cursed? "Sanford's Calico" by Andrew J. Solberg (November-December 1994) Pet lovers understand that getting a new animal can be a crapshoot -- you might end up with a great animal, but you might get a dud. Of course, a dud may not be the worst-case scenario...
Best of 1992 (Volume 2)
"Boy" by Ridley McIntyre (March-April 1992) An ace hacker is called out of retirement. "Half-Moons and Sunfish" by John Reoli, Jr. (January-February 1992) A black boy, a white boy, two fishing poles, and a river. "The Naming Game" by Tarl Roger Kudrick (March-April 1992) John Smith decides to see how the other half lives. "One Person's Junk..." by Warren Ernst (July-August 1992) Is our DNA a blueprint or a medium? "Seven" by Ridley McIntyre (November-December 1992) The unluckiest number of all. "To Comprehend the Nectar by Louie Crew (January-February 1992) At Witherspoon, some students are more equal than others.
Best of 1991 (Volume 1)
"Experience Required" by Robert Hurvitz (November-December 1991) How to make a real impression during a job interview. "The Explosion That Killed Ben Lippencott" by Greg Knauss (July-August 1991) Traditionally, when you're blown to pieces, that's the end of the story. Not so with Lipp. "Juliet and the Appliances" by Christopher Shea (September-October 1991) A tale of cooking, eating, and anthromorphic appliances. "An Ounce of Prevention" by Michael Ernst (November-December 1991) On her first day in the Non-Destructive Evaluations group, Melissa joins her co-workers in viewing a planned non-explosion. "Slice of Mind" by Phil Nolte (November-December 1991) They saved Lenin's brain!
InterText Home | Back Issue Archive | Best of InterText | Author Index About InterText | Writers' Guidelines | Subscribe to InterText
Individual Issues of InterText Copyright © 1991-1996 Jason Snell. Stories Copyright © 1991-1996 the original authors. Individual stories in this archive may not be copied and distributed without the permission of each original author. editors@intertext.com -- Editor: Jason Snell / Assistant Editors: Geoff Duncan, Susan Grossman
Some Science Fiction Web Resources
Some random links to science fiction stuff
This page is not meant to be a general archive --- we list a couple of those first thing, and they're really good places for general searches. Other than those, we keep links to some categories that we feel like singling out (whichever members of those categories we happen to have URLs for, that is, we don't search).
Archives of SF on the Web
Rutgers Science Fiction Resource Guide
The Linkping Science Fiction & Fantasy Archive
The Speculative Fiction Clearing House
Intellysys Science Fiction Link List
Yahoo on SF / Fantasy / Horror
The WorldWideWeb Virtual Library: Literature (Internet Book Information Center)
Archives of Usenet News Groups about books
Publishers and Bookstores
See some of the archives for much fuller lists.
The Space-Crime Continuum is where we get most of our books. It's great! Buy things from them!
Future Fantasy Bookstore
Del Rey
Tor Books
A Few Collegiate SF Groups
See some of the archives for much fuller lists.
U of M F & SF
NESFA (New England SF Association) isn't a collegiate group, but they're relatives of MITSFS so we'll list them anyway.
Starting Authors Who Want Your Support
The first chapter of Fools Errant by Matt Hughes
Julie Jones
(Items will probably leave the page after a while.)
Starship Design Home Page of the Lunar Institute of Technology
Internet Top 100 SF/Fantasy List
Mind's Eye Fiction, a science-fiction publishing website; MITSFS book reviewers can read the last parts free to write reviews of them for the _Twilight_Zine_. Contact mitsfs@mit.edu if interested.
Feminist Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Utopia
SciFaiku, science fiction haiku-like free poetry
John Labovitz's list of electronic fanzines
Postviews, an archive of reviews of fantasy and science fiction that are posted to the aus.sf newsgroup
One of many Star Trek sites
Star Trek and the American Dream, a long dissertation written by a German afficianado of Star Trek (the original)
Arthurian Home Page and
Avalon: Arthurian Heaven
Addresses of other SF-type documents will be gladly received by mitsfs@mit.edu.
Irina Pivchik's Home Page
If You Love Babilon 5 ...
B5 is a very special SF series - much more interesting and complicated then any other I've seen until now.It's being shown on Channel 3/Cabel TV. If you want to know more about the show,the actors,the creator of the series - JMS, etc. - follow this link : The Lurker Guide to Babylon 5
If you're watching the show on a regular basis,you may like this: You Know You've Been Watching B5 Too Much ...
and this:
Everything I ever needed to know I learned from Babylon 5
SF Resources ... If you live Dune and Star Wars in particular or SF in general,you may find some of this links useful:
Some Science Fiction Web Resources
Sci-Fi Channel: The Dominion
Star Wars Home Page at UPENN
Editors' Choice
Yahoo - Entertainment:Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror
Books On-line, Listed by Author
Science Fiction & Fantasy Archive
Dune Chronology
Science Fiction Resource Guide
Science Fiction Resource Guide
Science Fiction Resource Guide
Effective 01 January 1996, updates will be handled by Mats Öhrman at sfrg@lysator.liu.se.
whats new Last updated: 31-Dec-1995. Intro Next: Introduction
Now available on two sites: Rutgers (ftp), and Sundry (http). Known mirror sites: Lampeter University (http, U.K.), Vir (http, Canada), Emse (http, France), and Lysator (http or ftp, Sweden).
Introduction 21-Dec-1995 SFRG Frequently Asked Questions 31-Dec-1995 What's new 31-Dec-1995 Archives and Resource Pages 31-Dec-1995 Art and Artists 31-Dec-1995 Authors 31-Dec-1995 Awards 31-Dec1995 Bibliographies and lists 31-Dec-1995 Bookstores 31-Dec-1995 Fandom 31-Dec-1995. Convention Lists and

    Reports; Filk Music; Furry Fandom; Societies, clubs, etc., and archives.
Fiction 31-Dec-1995 Movies 25-Dec-1995 Publishers 31-Dec-1995 Reviews and criticism 25-Dec-1995 Role-Playing and other SF-related Games 31-Dec-1995 Television 25-Dec-1995 Archives and resource guides; Program guides; Star Trek; Television studios and production companies; Miscellaneous TV resource guides
Usenet miscellania 25-Dec-1995 Writers Resources 31-Dec-1995 Zines (including web ezines) 31-Dec-1995
Next: Introduction
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